So listen. I started using Young Living Essential Oils almost two years ago and since then, I have been on a journey of health and wellness that has surprised even me.
Using the oils to support health and wellness has been one piece of the puzzle. Diet is another (and a huge one that I know I need to do more for) I have to be gluten free because of inflammation. I'll repost my story with gluten after I post this blog. Lucas has to be dye free.
We have taken out household cleaners with toxic chemicals. The day Lucas poured himself a cup of glass cleaner when I was folding laundry the next room over and drank it? yeah. That was the day I decided that. (sigh)
I have addressed my personal care products (shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, facial cleaners and moisturizers, etc) and the personal care products of my children.
I won't go into a ton of detail cause I don't want to TMI you all out, but I have eliminated chemical filled personal care products during my monthly lady time. (considering doing a blog on it, but it will be links to other people cause I really don't want to go into detail for me, I have some level of privacy still despite social media. haha.)
When things come to light in my life that I need to address, I am trying to do so. Instead of ignoring it and putting my head in the sand. Which, by the way, is so much easier. But I am so so so over having my environment control me. I want to have energy, I want be stress free, I want to live a long healthy life, I want to not wonder what is in what I am using on myself and my kids (personal care products, hello chemical city).
The more I learn, the more responsible I feel to do better. I know there are huge blindspots still. But one thing at a time so I can change and adapt at a pace that is sustainable.
So my next foray into my health and the health of my family is diet. I know it. I've know it for a while. I have put it off, I have taken teeny tiny baby baby steps. But I have not embraced it. I don't know what it will look like exactly because I have a lot to learn, but it's on my radar....front and center. I have a lot to investigate still on that front but there are some really really obvious things that have to change. Like soda. Gone. And (I hate to even think this cause it makes me sad cause I have a love affair with it) milk. Needs to be gone. Dairy? I don't know. Maybe. Cheese isn't good for Lucas in general (annatto) and Judah eats cheese sticks but I rarely eat cheese any more cause cheese was like something I put on stuff....stuff I can't eat any more (or very often, even if the GF version exists it's probably expensive) and really shouldn't be eating either. I don't think I'd eliminate cheese totally from my kids diets. They don't need to have the same kind of restrictions as I do (or Lance).
Anyhow, I know I am rambling a bit here about the diet part, but I just needed to get it out of my head and into the universe. Cause keeping it in my head does no one any good.
I'd love to hear other people's journey with living a more toxic chemical free life....and healthy diet too. What is your "thing" right now that you are working on or feeling convicted to change?
I chose this photo of myself and my Sister in Love because we were on a bus driving to the Young Living lavender farm in Mona UT at the time. This last year has been HUGE for myself and Ashley when it comes to these big changes in our families for our health and wellness. In fact, head on over to her blog, Stories and Toast, if you want to follow along someone else's journey who is "like minded" if this is a topic of interest!
It is hard and you fail and start over but clean living is a total package that you tackle one area at a time.