Tuesday, July 7, 2015

should I stay or should I go

I had a houseful of guests for 5 days.  It was a very fun and busy time.  I wouldn't have changed anything.  That being said, I am an introvert.  I crave time alone. I think it's actually why I do SO well as a Pilot's wife.  He leaves, I get evenings by myself.  I recharge. 
The irony though, is that quality time is one of my main love languages. It's like I want you to spend time with me so I know you love me, but I need you to leave me alone so I can be human again. haha. Oh man.  Complicated. 


  1. I'm in the same boat! I'm an introvert, but quality time is one of my love languages! I will say that I've gotten to the point where time with my husband does not infringe on my necessary "alone" time. That sounds wrong, but I'm not sure I an get it out right--being with my husband is kind of like being alone--not because my husband is a "nobody," but because I'm fully comfortable with him. He spends a lot of time at work, so I really treasure our time together, as I''m sure you do with your husband.

    That being sad, I do frequently need alone time away from my kids. It isn't that I have to leave the house, but sometimes I just need them to go upstairs or outside for a while....

    1. I think because of the type of schedule Lance keeps, his gone time is so obvious I notice it more. But when he's home for long stretches of time, I get used to him being around and don't mind either. The thing about quality time is that it doesn't have to actually be us doing something interactive, just being together is enough. We can spend a lot of time together doing our own thing and I like that :)

  2. I am somewhere In between an intro and extro....so a midrovert. I need alone but boy have I had a lot of that....I like people but am getting older. Drama is not worth my time. {oh, unless it possibly is my drama?} I had a hubby that was gone a lot. I did my best and became addicted to independence and being in control of my time. I have kept that quality to some extent but maybe, just maybe, need to learn something new. The adventure is on.


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